Worked on a mini wega today. This is a single group commercial espresso machine being used by a home barista for home use. The mini wega is a very nicely made unit with a rotary vane pump plumbed in.
Some notes on the design:
e-61 type group
boiler has separate HX for hot water & group
sturdy heavy duty construction
no group pressure gauge
rotary pump
Reason for Service: Owner removed boiler to descale and now it will not heat. Also requests install of Sirai P-stat to replace stock mini stat.
Diagnostic & Repair: Continuity check verifies blown heater. Boiler position requires removal to replace the heating element. Removal is not bad as all fittings are accessible with body panels removed. Installed new heater and replaced boiler. Refill boiler heat up & test fittings for leaks. Replacing Sirai requires re-shaping the copper tubing to a lower position in order to fit. Setting Sirai to produce group temp of 203 f. Test group pressure & Temp.
Pulled some great shots this morning with the Mini Wega. Coming up with an excuse to go home for lunch will not be hard.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome work and service!